
Home Data Structure Test Prep Create Task

Study Plan

-Monday: Submit Create task and written responses

-Tuesday: Practice MC questions (independent)

-Wednesday: MC Quiz 5

-Thursdsay: Reflect on Quiz 5 and find areas to improve

-Friday: Practice MC Questions (independent)

Test Corrections

-Final MCQ 1 and MCQ2 Test Corrections

-Quiz 1 40/50

-Quiz 2 46/50

-Quiz 3 42/50

Corrections Quiz 3

-Question 2: image For this question, I was thinking in a computer-science focused way, where all problems can be solved with an algorithm. However, there are many problems that expand beyond the realm of computer science that can’t be solved with a single algorithm.

-Question 14 image For this question, I got mixed up when looking at the code. When the target name for the program is “Ben” the program will output 0 instead of 1.

-Question 17 image I thought that B was correct since the numbers were out of order. However, the option D returns 30, which is not the least number in the list.

-Question 21 image The weaker the password, the easier it is to datamine, since it may have less characters or less variety of letters.

-Question 29 image When the heads counter=2, it means that the tails counter also has to equal 2, therefore the same number of heads and tails have been flipped.

-Question 30 image The worldwide web accesses data through the internet.

-Question 42 image 2^6=64, 2^7=128 so 7 would be the minimum number to represent a number between 75 and 100.

-Question 43 image Individuals with a premium account won’t recieve ads since that is a premium feature.

-Quiz 5 47/50

Corrections Quiz 5

-Question 15 image Program A displays 1-10 and Program B displays 2-11, meaning they both display 10 values.

-Question 16 image Both programs display values 1-10

-Question 17 image Program 1 runs GetPrediction once for EVERY element in the list, there are 4 of them, therefore it takes 4 minutes to run. Program 2 runs GetPrediction twice for EVERY element in the list as well as in the final display result. It takes 9 minutes for it to run, 9-4 =5.


-5.1 and 5.2 Notes

-5.3 and 5.4 Notes

-5.5 and 5.6 Notes